Our TTC Timeline

October 2004~ Got Hitched and said.. "We're not, not trying"

November -Sometime in 2006~ a million trillion BFN's

Sometime in 2006~ Started Charting my temperatures...more BFN's

February 2006~ Gained unexplained weight and started to have long anovulatory cycles

The end of 2006~ Stopped having "The Devil" all together (wasn't complaining at first!!)

March 2007~ Doctors started testing to see where my hormone levels were

Still charting... Oh and did I mention more BFN's

October 2009~ After several doctors and tests I'm FINALLY diagnosed with P.C.O.S.

July 2010~ Started testing needed for the Fertility Clinic at Kaiser

The rest of 2010 and some of 2011~ SAVE SAVE SAVE ( We have no fertility coverage so EVERYTHING is SO expensive)

April 2011~ Our first IUI with 100 mg clomid- BFN

May-June 2011~ Found a cyst so had to take a break

July-Sep 2011~ Bought a house so we took another break from the clinic, all the while trying "naturally"

Sep-Dec 2011~ Unhappy at Kaiser decided to move to a new clinic

December 2011~ Joined a Fertility support group

January 2012~ Started seeing an Acupuncturist

April 2012~ Finally got in at new clinic

June 2012~ Second IUI with 200mg clomid-BFN

July 2012~ Just started prep for an injectable IUI... First monitoring appt Wed the 11th.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Crystal,
    I just came across your blog and am so glad I did. I am struggling with infertility as well due to Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and a touch of PCOS. I had one unsuccessful IUI cycle so far and I'm in the 2ww of cycle #2. I invite you to take a look at my blog as well if you get a chance. I think it's important to connect with people who actually know how you feel. My thoughts and prayers are with you! <3

